Sunday, May 25, 2014


When are you considered an adult? It's a logical question and yet one I've found impossible to answer. So naturally, I decided to look at my oh so trusty source to see if that could help me find the answer. 

But wait, so when am I fully grown? I remember learning in science classes (which I was not usually enthusiastic about) that females finish growing before males to. I remember that specifically because I was about 2 feet taller than all the boys and prayed that they were going to catch up with me soon (which most did). I believe it was about age 20, at least for females, but it all depended on puberty and that was just growing physically. 

The government says that we are adults when we are 18 years old. We are allowed to vote, get married, and get convicted as an adult. Most of us are also still in high school at this age. I don't know about you, but when i was 18 I was nowhere near an adult. Maybe it's 21, when you can legally drink, but then again, do adults still puke when they go drinking?

I use to think grown ups were the ones married with babies, but now having friends married with babies or with just babies, I've realized, while they grow up a lot, I still don't see them as an adult. Then sometimes I think of adults with "careers," but with this economy, even adults can be still searching for those "careers." 

I've been freaking out a  little, realizing that I'm 23 and the young Carolyn had planned for me to have everything together by age 25, and two years seems a little too close for comfort. Of course my plan at 25 was going to be an actress dating Orlando Bloom, so I guess I can't be too critical. I guess some of us are adults a lot earlier than others and maybe even those that I see as a grown up, haven't really stopped growing up  yet.......